Daily Devotional 10/25/16

Published: 25 October 2016

By Bryce Lowrance

"We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet," (2nd Thessalonians 1:3a)

Paul says that he is "bound" or "under obligation" to thank God for what is happening at Thessalonica. Giving God all the glory for salvation is the only fitting thing that can be done!

It is not appropriate to attempt to give God glory and compliment man's efforts at the same time. To even say that "God did all the work but man must accept God's free offer of salvation," makes man's decision more important that all the work the Christ finished on the cross. This should not be!

God has declared that He will not share His glory with another. Therefore, we should heed this warning and consider ourselves under obligation to only worship God according to the doctrines of sovereign grace.