Daily Devotional 10/20/16

Published: 20 October 2016

By Bryce Lowrance

“Brethren, pray for us.” 1st Thessalonians 5:25

Do you pray for your pastor and the other ministers of the gospel? If so, how often. How deeply?

The Apostle Paul was blessed probably more than any other man to understand the doctrines of the grace and mercy of God. He was blessed to write a large portion of the New Testament. Yet, this man continually asked for prayer. He needed the prayers of God’s people for his physical health, his spiritual growth, and his work in spreading the gospel.

How much more do our ministers need our prayers today?

Remember, the preaching of the gospel is the primary way that God instructs His children and gives them a greater hope. When we pray for a preacher, we are praying for ourselves as well.