Luke 2:38 Looking For Redemption

Published: 29 December 2016

By Bryce Lowrance

“And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:38)

Anna was blessed to probably live over 100 years. 84 of those years were spent as a widow in the Temple in Jerusalem. No doubt, she had heard many great teachers of the law and had considered many doctrines of the Bible. With that much experience around the teaching of the word of God, she probably could give some very good advice to those who were seeking help or salvation.

So, what did she do when she met people who were looking for help?

Did she take them to a Sunday School class? Did she take them down the “Roman Road” and tell them what they needed to do? Did she tell them about the possibility of salvation in Jesus?

The answer to all of these questions is obviously, NO.

Anna, like Simeon met Jesus when He was only 40 days old and yet she also also saw that salvation was complete in Him!

When Anna met people looking for redemption, she told them about the Redeemer and nothing else!

Anna didn’t tell people what Jesus could do if they would just let Him and or ask Him. She gave a simple answer, Jesus.

And so our testimony should be that simple as well. There is no work or will of man needed for redemption. All that is needed is Jesus!