For The "Children"

Published: 6 November 2014

By Bryce Lowrance

“I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. ... I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father.” (1st John 2:12; 13c)

John’s encouragement to those new in their Chrisitan walk is that they are just as much a child of God as those who are powerful in their testimony as well as those who are aged spiritual leaders.

Just because a person is new in the faith does not mean that they have less salvation than more mature Christians. Our faith and obedience is not the cause or merit of our forgiveness. Every child of God is forgiven because of what Jesus did. We do not become MORE a child as we grow in grace. Jesus paid for the sins of the elect, and all the elect are JOINT-heirs with Christ.

John also reminds them that it is indeed God the Father that they know and have known. Sometimes, we may not understand exactly how God is working or what we should do as a Chrisitan, but we do know this. God is our FATHER. And He loves us like a Father.

Therefore, seeing we ARE forgiven and that God is our Heavenly Father, we have no need to fear anything. We just need to trust "Daddy" to take care of us.