Witness #12: The Battle of Jericho

Published: 25 November 2013

By Bryce Lowrance

And walls came tumblin' down!

Jericho was a double-walled city that reached into the sky. It was impenetrable and an ominous site to behold when standing at the foot of the outer wall. But no wall can keep out the God of heaven. God designed a plan for the Israelites to walk around the city in silence until the seventh day. No doubt they faced mockery and insult as they followed the Lord’s direction. But they continued faithful trusting that God would gain them the victory.

On the last day, they completed seven circuits around the city. Then they shouted and blew trumpets and their shame turned into victory! The walls that once held out the enemy were now crumbling and forming ramps for the Israelites to run up to every level of the city. They did not just breach the walls in a few places. The entire wall fell so that they could invade from every side at once.

When we walk by faith, that means we do things God’s way, even if it seems totally bizarre to us. Because, when God fights our battles, the victory is sure and complete!