Witness #5.5: Abraham

Published: 14 November 2013

By Bryce Lowrance

The case of Abraham embraces the evidence shown in his wife, Sara. So now we return to this great patriarch.

Abraham was called upon to offer up his only son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. God had already promised to make Abraham the father of many nations and that promise was through Isaac. The actions of Abraham were not going to change this promise. But Abraham got to experience something marvelous because he believed the promise of God and acted on faith. He believed that, if Isaac were to die, God would resurrect him to fulfill His promise.

While acting in faith, Abraham got to see a beautiful picture of His Savior. When ascending to the place of sacrifice, Isaac asks his father where the animal was. Abraham’s faithful answer is amazing! He said, “God will provide himself a lamb.” That is not a mistranslation! By faith Abraham could foresee that God would give His only begotten Son for His elect.

The faithfulness of God is toward all His elect. Therefore, we can be assured that, if we walk by faith, we too may see God working in our lives in wondrous ways.